Tantsugrupi Info Seattle’i Eesti Seltsi rahvatantsurühm “TUHANDEST TUULEST” alustas tegevust 2003 aastal Mati Vaga juhtimisel. Alates 2007-st aastast juhib tantsurühma Caroli Herrick. Meie rühma tantsijad on Eestist kaugesse maailma-nurka puhutud kokku igast ilmakaarest. Rühmas on Eestist tulnuid ja Ameerika eestlaste järeltuijaid, aga ka “eesti juurteta” kodanikke, keda eestlasest kaaslane on tantsurühma toonud. Tantsurahvast seob huvi Eesti rahvatantsu vastu ja tahe hoida alal eesti kultuuri Seattle’i piirkonnas.Rahvatantsugrupi esinemised rikastavad kohaliku Eesti Seltsi kooskäimisi ja avalikud esinemised linnas aitavad tutvustada Eesti kultuuri kohalikule elanikkonnale. “Tuhandest Tuulest” on oma tegevusaastatel osalenud Seattle’I linnaraamatukogu korraldatud Baltic Rites’i festivalil ning Seattle’i Centeri’s Seattle’i Folklife’i festivalil. 2009 aasta suvel sai Tuhandest Tuulest, tollal 16 liikmeline grupp, Eesti Rahvatantsu-ja Rahvamuusika Seltsi hinnangul I kategooria ning osales Tallinnas laulu-ja tantsupeol. Kui sul on huvi meie tantsurühmaga liituda, oled oodatud Seattle’is asuvasse Swedish Cultural Center’isse, kus meie proovid toimuvad igal pühapäeval kell 17-19.
About the Dance Group Seattle Estonian Folkdance group is called “TUHANDEST TUULEST”, which means “from a thousand winds”. This group was founded in 2003 and started out under artistic director Mati Vaga. Since 2007, the artistic director has been Caroli Herrick. Members of our dance group have been “blown together” from all directions. Our membership includes those who have immigrated from Estonia, and those who were born in Seattle to Estonian parent(s) or those who have not known Estonian roots other than they happen to know an Estonian. “TuhandestTuulest” members are joined by the joy of dancing Estonian folkdance and to keep Estonian culture alive in Seattle area.The folkdance group enriches local Estonian Society gatherings and introduces Estonian folkdancing to the local city folk.Our group has performed at Seattle Folk Life Festival at The Seattle Center, the Baltic Rites Festival at the Seattle City Library and in the West Coast Estonian days in 2005, 2007 and 2009. In 2009 our dance group participated in Estonian Song and Dance Festival, which takes place every 5 years in Tallinn. We were awarded first category and all sixteen in the group at that time participated in the biggest festival for us ever – we were dancing together with 7000 other dancers. If you are interested in joining our group, our dance practices take place in Swedish Cultural Center every Sunday night from 5-7pm.